           Email if you can!  But if you need a friendly voice call:207-249-5313
This portion of the site is, in effect, an illustrated interactive catalog and order system for the MacNaughton Yacht Designs yacht and commercial design firm. This features designs stressing high quality in all respects, including long term investment value. You can order a complete custom design with or without complete lofting, stock plans, study plans, technical books, or just a calculation. Further, advice is free if it does not require drawings or calculations.Virtually all work is done at contract prices. We are a major source for standards for marince construction in various materials.
Custom and Stock Designs & Services
Custom Design Information and our Custom Design Quote Form
Catalog of Stock Designs and Other Services
Idea Designs - a selection of drawings and comments that we would love to do complete designs from.
Publications on Design, Boat Building & Related Subjects
Assistance with Calculations - available via email
Our Present Design Crew
Jay Majors - Yacht Draftsman, Yacht Design School CAD Course instructor & Associate Main Curriculum instructor
Other draftsmen working with us will be listed here when they feel they are ready for the recognition. The amount of work we can accept, and the scheduling, depends upon the number of well trained designers and draftsmen we have available. If you would like to work with us, see the information in our Careers page.
Recent Complete Designs not yet ndded to the Stock Plans - Email for more information
Ha' Penny 20 - The most recent in our Coin Collection of family voyaging yachts, Ha' Penny is a modest live aboard voyaging yacht for one person or a couple. Fully lofted and ready for cutting a kit using a CNC cutting service.
Silver Penny 25 - An aluminum version of the our pilot house Penny 25. This is the first metal version of one of our Coin Collection. She is a good choice for a couple or young family, with a really excellent interior which is the result of many years of designing this type. The run of the multichines has been planned well and gives the boat a distinctive and subtlely handsome appearance The client had us do a great many very valuable detail drawings. She has been completely lofted and a complete kit for the aluminum structure and the plywood interior joiner work can be CNC cut to speed construction and reduce construction cost.
Blue Horizons 30 - A Chinese rigged twin keel liveaboard family voyaging yacht intended as a permanent home for three or four people. She features a wheelhouse and solar charged electric auxiliary propulsion. Fully lofted and ready for kitting
Shining Moon 36 - A true Chinese junk, single sail rigged for family living aboard and voyagining. She was originally designed for a couple with a young daughter who had lived aboard a Chinese vessel in Hong Kong and wanted to retire on a yacht version, voyage, and show their daughter the world. It would pay in saved construction costs to have us loft this vessel as well, so that the building jig, various structural parts, and the interior joiner work could be CNC cut.
Partially Complete Designs and Options for Existing Designs
Clarsach 20 - A pocket twin keel canoe yawl for weekending or modest cruising. A good deal of this design has been done, which will reduce the price of a finished design. If lofted she'd make a good vessel for a builder to sell as a kit or a hull and deck with interior joinerwork and other parts to be added by the owner. Quite often you'd sell a complete boat as well. In a flat drawing the cabin trunk looks just a bit high, but in the water, being further from the eye than the sheer she will blend nicely.
Penny 25 Options -  In addition to the pilothouse and vastly improved interior now essentially standard, we've done an alternate type of Chinese rig. Normally we draw our Chinese rigs with vertical lower panel leading and trailing edges. The client for this new rig wanted a more fan shaped sail with equal length battens at increasing angles form the horizontal so that the leach approximates a smooth curve.                              
Maddy 24 - This modest but comfortable cruiser for two has a raised deck forward, which gives plenty of room below. The basic design has been pretty well roughed out so the cost to complete the design will be relatively modest. This is bascially a "stretch" of our Maddy 18 design.
Herreshoff "Alerion" 26 - With permission from the holders of the Herreshoff design rights we did up wood and epoxy sheathed strip constructioin drawings of "Alerion" for an East Coast client. This example was built in Pondicherry India and was nicely done. The rig was done by the client and is more complex than we would have done but well executed. We have since had one of our advanced students, Seth Colby, carefully research the lines working from lines taken off the original vessel and several sets of offsets pulled at various times, plus examining the original "Alerion" closely at Mystic Seaport. Careful fairing in the computer revealed that the vessel has settled a bit, after decades out of water and the shape of the stern had changed slightly. We refaired to more perfectly reflect the original shape and were very pleased that Halsey Herreshoff was kind enough to say that the lines looked like the best restoration of the original lines done to date. We would love to do a rig with a single length spar, as Herreshoff would later have done rather than the sliding gunter rig. At that point there would be complete plans available, which we would be glad to supply to those we can help apply for permission to build one.
Additional Idea Designs
Sagittarius 30 & Sagittarius 33 - These are perfect miniature versions of the lines of the original Colin Archer designed sailing rescue craft, or "redningskoites" which operated off the coast of Norway in the winter, when high winds and storms caused a lot of small vessels to be lost.  These two family sized pilothouse sloops with Marconi rigs would be excellent for living aboard and voyaging for those who love these double ended types. Some similar vessels have been built which duplicate the smal "winter" rigs of the original rescue craft, and recently some fiberglass versions were built with shorter than ideal rigs and a lower percentage of ballast than ideal. Sometimes this results in people feeling these vessels are not good performers. However properly rigged and ballasted they take good advantage of the excellent lines and great sail carrying power and are really great performers in all conditions.
Cherub 20 - This exists just as a couple of sketches so far. She could be finished up either as a centerboarder, or with twin keels. I would favor the latter.  In any case she would be straight forward to trailer. She has a sliding gunter rig. While the cockpit is long enough for a couple of guests to sleep under a boom tent the accommodations are laid out to be very nice cruising accommodations. I personally, if fully retired, would feel I could live aboard her. She has two berths at the aft end of the main cabin, with a table which pulls out from under the bridge deck to form a dining area. Forward of this two port there is a modest galley with a stove with oven, a sink and a modest ice box, or Peltier effect refrigerator. To starboard of the galley there is an enclosed head. There is a forward storage cabin with a generous amount of room and a sit up bath. Personally I would find her ideal for cruising the East Coast and Bahamas.
The above are in the size range most people choose for family yachts, and which have not yet been added elsewhere in the site. In addition to these we sometimes have larger projects as well in the 90' to 150'. These may be "yachts", which are often really for business use, charter vessels, or passenger carrying vessels. In addition we design commercial small craft as well.  
Map of the design office location
Yacht Design in the Twentieh Century - a speech given at Mystic Seaport by Daniel MacNaughton
Our Favorite Quote About Our Designs: "Time spent on a MacNaughton design is not deducted from your life span."
Another great quote: "I am glad we are involved with your firm. Your designs and philosophy are both beautiful." - Greg Maxwell