Living Aboard - Frequently
Asked Questions
both publication and review by
Thomas A. & Nannette M. MacNaughton
Description of the Book by Thomas A. & Nannette M. MacNaughton This publication is unusual in that it is constantly evolving. Originally it was intended to be a page on our web-site. However, as we identified more questions that people kept asking and struggled to produce the best answers, we realized that it was too big to be on the site and had to become a publication. Without the contributions of numerous people over decades to our knowledge base, this publication would not exist . We want to thank those who write to us with questions. The form and content of this publication is directed and determined by you. If you do not find what you are looking for in this material, you have only to ask your question by emailing us. We will answer you personally and very likely use the additional perspective into what people need to know which you provide in improving this publication. Your questions will help readers who come after you. As long time sailors, we are in a position to help potential liveaboards get a good start. Tom’s sailing background goes back generations and Nan’s decades. Tom taught sailing for a number of years and later we both raised our daughter, Heather while living aboard and sailing for many years. We came ashore only when necessary to properly cherish aging relatives. From the first a large part of our custom and stock design business has been designing the best possible boats for liveaboards. We have repaired and restored vessels in all materials except ferro-cement. Finally, as operators of a major design firm, and one of the few schools of yacht and small craft naval architecture, we are able to share knowledge rarely available to those not deeply involved in researching and teaching design theory and practice. Few designers have been fortunate enough to be able to combine extensive liveaboard experience with design, repair and construction, and teaching expertise in this way. The Internet age gives us additional perspective through our contact with liveaboard and voyaging yachtsmen world wide. We also receive many visitors who share their stories and anecdotes which help us advise people on specific equipment, or who suggest ways we can make our designs even more adapted to the live aboard and voyaging life. We have carefully recorded this knowledge and it is into this body of information that we dip, to create this publication and others. We are fortunate that our own life experience helps others, and even more fortunate that we have so many wonderful clients and friends who are eager to help others through us. Due to the volume of questions asked of us, “Living Aboard – Figuring the Costs”, “Living Aboard – Frequently Asked Questions, and other publications and books by ourselves and others allow us to answer more people’s questions more completely. An advantage to “Living Aboard – Frequently Asked Questions is that while people buy it to get our most complete answers to questions that they want to ask, they also get the answers to the questions that they didn’t think to ask. Many say that we have “changed their lives.” We feel that we have been privileged to receive the greatest gift of all: The knowledge that our work has helped increase the total of human happiness in the world. We believe that every person we help will help others as well, thus multiplying this good. We are pleased to find that a publication like this can play a humble but key part in making life better. “Living Aboard – Frequently Asked Questions” is one of our core publications and we hope you will enjoy it. $30.00 Thomas A. & Nannette M. MacNaughton Note: It is pretty odd to describe one's own writing but you will find a review by a reader with living aboard experience to the right.
Review by Stuart Crawford I am writing this review from the perspective of some one who spent much of his childhood living aboard and now after a 20 year absence am in the process of returning to living aboard. I would have to say based on my own experiences that the section "What about those of us with children?" is 100% accurate. It is essential to follow the advice in the first paragraph, for it to work for the child. And if followed, it will work! Living aboard - FAQ is what I would call an all encompassing publication, ranging from topics that most permanent live aboard people would be able to advise on competently, such as berthing, food and general sailing and seamanship attitudes. Through to much more specialised aspects, such as design considerations, whether or not to buy or build and the characteristics of different construction materials, in an unbiased manner. With questions discussing the ability and ways of earning a living afloat, even if the specific suggestions don't interest the reader (though they often will), they will definitely stimulate the creative thought processes enough to come up with realistic possibilities for themselves. I would highly recommend this publication to any one considering living aboard. As time goes by, this publication is only going to become more valuable as a resource for both potential live aboard's and also those who already live aboard. Stuart Crawford. "Your book is amazing. What an information gold mine concerning
living aboard. A must read for anyone deciding to choose that life
style." |