Loch Fyne Marine Hardware
Introduction / Catalog Items / Order Form
"If somebody makes it we can find it, if nobody makes it we can find someone to make it, if nobody has ever made it we can design it."
We have always worked with hardware manufacturers and foundries to find and supply the best stock hardware for our customers or make custom items for our customers. Often we will create duplicate parts to replace items no longer made. We commonly create parts to replace items that were inadequately structured originally on stock boats. We also design and custom make items that are not available to allow customers to have the best quality possible.
"I will set my ship in order. I will sail her on the sea." - Traditional Scottish Song
Footwear for Women |
Kerosene Navigation & Cabin Lamps |
The Manufacturers |
Shipmate Solid Fuel Stoves (not on the site yet) |
Windlasses |
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